Players can only have 'sex' with them on any ground that can kick up dirt or sand, and even surfaces like the tiles of swimming pools, as the game doesn't consider seclusion as a factor. Honking isn't necessary in order to get a prostitute in the car. You can avail them, given that you have more than $100, or else they will refuse to get into the car (entering the cheat code to make pedestrians enter your car will only make them stand). Picking up prostitutes has been much the same for Grand Theft Auto III, Vice City, Liberty City Stories and Vice City Stories simply by pulling up to one. The sound produced when a car shakes with the player and a hooker inside in Vice City. However, as the money is added to the prostitute and the money is dropped upon her death, it is technically possible for the player to kill the hooker and take the money back when finished – probably the in-game situation most commonly criticized as part of Grand Theft Auto's traditional violence/immorality. Prostitutes can raise the player's health to more than 100% in the 3D Universe. They are mainly out on the streets at night, and to receive their services, the player must drive close to them and stop.